Business listing - Step 1 of 3
Please enter your business name, address, locality/district, town/city, county, postcode and finally enter your telephone number. You will be able to choose your town and business type from a list which will appear once you have entered the first 3 or 4 characters.
Data input
Please enter your business name, address, locality/district, town/city, county, postcode and finally enter your telephone number. You will be able to choose your town and business type from a list which will appear once you have entered the first 3 or 4 characters.
Company name* 
Business name (only business name without addition)
Town / City*
Telephone number* 
Business type* 

(Once you have entered the first 3 or 4 characters of your business type you will be able to choose the matching business type from a list. If your business type is not listed please contact us via email.)
add tag
Always enter just one item without place name and then click add.
Personal data
Data input: contact person and an email address
These data will not be published.
First name* 
Last name* 
Email address* 

Scroll up and continue with free Premium listing
Premium listing for a one time fee of 49,95 Ģ
The premium listing contains way more information about your business: The address of your homepage, your email address, your fax number, your company logo, max. 3 company images, your company description and the working hours of your company will be published on

Yes I want the Premium Listing.

I will send the one time fee of 49,95 £ to the Paypal account I am aware that the entry will be published on only after payment. As soon as we receive the payment, your entry will be published.
Your homepage
Email address
Your company email
Fax number 
Company logo
Company images
(max. 3 pictures)

Company description
Working hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat -
Sun -
The standard business listing is free of charge and it is not temporarily limited. The owner of the business listing is responsible to keep the details up to date. Therefore the listing holder will receive requests by email once a year to check his details. For further information please read our general terms and conditions.